- God is a family God - Father, Son & Holy Spirit
- This is the reason why relationships are at the heart of everything and why we get most satisfaction out of relationships
- Through Jesus he invites us into the family and the love - forever
- The Word who was God became flesh... became a servant... became poor... became sin
- 'Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you' (1 Peter 5:7)
- Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, it only empties today of its strength (Spurgeon)
- The prosperity gospel preaches the love of money not the love of God - leave it well alone
- Come to Jesus to get Jesus
- Prayer is an 'intimate conversation with God' (Calvin)
- Self-denial means that you 'get out of yourself' (Calvin) - liberating!
- Remember that Jesus understands you completely - by experience - so go regularly to his throne of grace for the mercy and help you need (Hebrews 4:15,16)
- Most of our hopes are shaky, short-term and small-time; in Christ we have a hope that is sure, ceaseless and sensational (Colossians 1:27)
- The resurrection body is not less but more solid than the one who have now - a house compared to a tent (2 Corinthians 5)
- This is surely also true of the whole resurrected universe, the renewed creation - it is not less real than this one but more, much more
- The future will involve 'the renewal of all things' (Jesus, Matthew 19:28)
- The Holy Spirit is a Gift but also a Giver, the Giving Gift
- He is the giver of life, truth, love, power, purity, joy, serving gifts & hope