About us


Welcome to the Bow Baptist Church website. We number around 50 people and are a very diverse and international group of people. We believe that the good news of Jesus is for everyone – wherever we come from, whatever we have done.

We aim to be Bible-based and Jesus-centred (they go together), to love God and people.

Our Sunday services (or meetings) are straightforward: they include singing, praying and a message from the Bible. They last for around one hour.

We put no pressure on people so if you just want to sit at the back and listen for a while, that is no problem. We won’t ask you to do anything or stand up and say who you are or anything like that.

If you want to know more about the church or have any questions about Christianity, you can contact Oli, our pastor, by using the contact form or calling the church phone on 020 8981 1478.

Bow Baptist Church Doctrinal Statement (1959)

We believe:

  1. That there are three Divine and Co-equal Persons in the One God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. In the guilt and depravity of human nature as the result of Adam’s sin.
  3. That the Lord Jesus Christ died as our substitute, and we rely on Him for justification and complete salvation.
  4. That the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ever lives as our prophet, priest and king and there is no other way to God but through him.
  5. In the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  6. That the church is the fellowship of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have been born again by the Holy Spirit.
  7. That baptism by immersion is an ordinance of Christ to be administered to believers only.
  8. In the full inspiration and authority of the Scriptures as the word of God.
  9. That the believer is commanded by Christ to walk in brotherly love and to do his utmost in the proclamation of the Gospel that the kingdom of God may be extended.